
HELCOM - 13-та зустріч Групи зі сталого ведення сільського господарства

April 17, 2015


Solutions for Polish and Baltic Eutrophication (problems) – Low-Nutrient Surplus Agriculture and Sustainable Waste Management

Дата початку: 3 вересня 2024

Дата закінчення: 15 червня 2018

Час: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Place: Warsaw, Poland

Адреса: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finland

Solutions for Polish and Baltic Eutrophication (problems) – Low-Nutrient Surplus Agriculture and Sustainable Waste Management


On April 17th 2015, in Warsaw, the Polish Ecological Club together with the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering organized a seminar on “Solutions for Polish and Baltic Eutrophication (problems) – Low-Nutrient Surplus Agriculture and Sustainable Waste Management”.

The main goal of the seminar – which was introduced by Maria Staniszewska Chairwoman of the Polish Ecological Club and Prof SGGW Tomasz Okruszko – was to identify sources of pollution as well as showing the methods to effectively reduce nitrogen and phosphorus loads that every year get into the Baltic Sea through basin rivers. This goal is closely connected to the goal of the Water Framework Directive, to achieve good status of water till 2015.

The seminar participants were experts, representatives of NGOs and administrations, as well as farmers who went through the current problems connected with water pollution by nutrients and the ways we could involve stakeholders in activities. Following are two presentations and an overview of the seminar outcomes:

Seminar overview:
Seminar overview 17 april 2015

Marek Giełczewski and others presentation:
Adapting Polish agriculture to reduce future nutrient loads in a coastal watershed

Gunnar Norén´s presentation:
Nutrient Management in Agriculture and Commitments to Baltic Sea Action Plan

Stefan Pietrzak´s presentation:
Zarządzanie azotem i fosforem S Pietrzak 17 04

Jakub Skorupski´s presentation:
CCB Report on Industrial Livestock Farming in the Baltic Sea Region
Odpływ biogenów z wielkoprzemysłowej produkcji zwierzęcej a eutrofizacja Morza Bałtyckiego

Tamara Jadczyszyn´ presentation:
Działania ograniczające odpływ azotu ze źródeł rolniczych w Polsce

Elżbieta Łysiak-Pastuszak´s presentation:
Narzędzia kontroli eutrofizacji

This project and work on industrial animal farms are supported by Nordic Council of Minsters funds

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