HELCOM - 13-та зустріч Групи зі сталого ведення сільського господарства
September 9, 2016
Conference on the use of alternative approaches to reduce pollution of sewage waters in rural areas
Дата початку: 3 вересня 2024
Дата закінчення: 15 червня 2018
Час: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST
Адреса: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finland
The conference “Use of alternative approaches to reduce pollution of sewage waters in rural areas“ took place at Uhnev, Lviv oblast in Ukraine on 9 September 2016. It was organized by the Western Center of the Ukrainian Branch of the World Laboratory with financial support from Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) under the framework of implementation of the “Program for support of the civil society and the water related environment in the Baltic Sea Basin” supported by the government of Sweden.
The aim of the conference was to introduce good practices of sewage water treatment and ecosanitation principles in rural residential areas to stakeholders and participants. Treatment charts are used in Sweden and Poland and were presented as an alternative to traditional canalization that could be used as an ecosanitation approach for decreasing sewage waters pollution in Ukraine.
Among the 30 participants of the conference were representatives of local self-governing and state organs of control and management in the field of use, restoration and protection of water resources, as well as active NGOs.
A site visit to the Uhnev school was organised for the participants. Here an example of an urine-diverting toilet was demonstrated. This was built in a previous project and is now is operating under financial support of CCB. The participants agreed that the site is a good example of the practical solution to the problem of sanitation and water protection in rural residential areas and an alternative for expensive water treatment plant construction. Such solutions could become an important element of sustainable development of rural territories and water management in Ukraine.
The full report of the event is available on CCB's website.