HELCOM - 13-та зустріч Групи зі сталого ведення сільського господарства
May 15, 2018
External meeting
CMS - 2nd Meeting of the Range States of the European eel
Дата початку: 3 вересня 2024
Дата закінчення: 15 червня 2018
Час: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST
Адреса: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finland
CCB participated in this important second meeting regarding the eel. The meeting discussed how the CMS instruments could be best used to serve as a relevant addition to existing regulations in the EU and how to potentially improve the chances for protection of the Sargasso Sea itself as a key habitat for both the American eel and the European eel. CCB argued that CMS could be the main instrument for additional measures and certainly add a coordination across borders that currently hardly exists.