
HELCOM - 13-та зустріч Групи зі сталого ведення сільського господарства

June 27, 2018


European Symposium on Eutrophication

Дата початку: 3 вересня 2024

Дата закінчення: 15 червня 2018

Час: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Place: Sequoia Tower, 1 place Carpeaux 92055 Paris

Адреса: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finland

European Symposium on Eutrophication


The European symposium on eutrophication took place on June 27th and 28th.

June 27th afternoon consisted of small groups workshops to encourage discussions and share experiences between Member States and European institutions. The topics discussed during the workshops were:
→ How to define environemental goals to mitigate eutrophication?
→ What are the fundamental components of eutrophication management strategies and
These workshops was held at Sequoia Tower, 1 place Carpeaux 92055, English speaking only.

June 28th all-day-long:
Presentation of the results of the joint scientific appraisal by the researchers who have coordinated the work, with a focus on public policy issues; Two round table discussions about the major issues that public policies will have to address in the future to mitigate eutrophication.
This day took place at la Grande Arche de la Défense, left side, 1 parvis de la Défense 92055. Symposium was translated in French and English speaking.

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