
HELCOM - 13-та зустріч Групи зі сталого ведення сільського господарства

November 15, 2022

External meeting

Second informal consultation session of the Agri Group (IC AGRI 2-2022)

Дата початку: 3 вересня 2024

Дата закінчення: 15 червня 2018

Час: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Place: Uppsala, Sweden

Адреса: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finland

Second informal consultation session of the Agri Group (IC AGRI 2-2022)
Official meetings of all HELCOM Working and Experts Groups and other subsidiary bodies are postponed due to the HELCOM strategic pause until further notice, however, informal consultation sessions, without Russian participation, are organized and hosted by a Contracting Party.
The informal consultation sessions process and discuss documents and provide guidance and recommendations as to how to progress work.


The second informal consultation session of the Agri Group (IC AGRI 2-2022) was hosted by Sweden in Uppsala and online on 15-16 November 2022.

The Sessions was attended by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden, Observers from the Baltic Farmers’ Forum for Environment (BFFE), Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG), Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB), and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), as well as invited guests
CCB participants in the session:
- Mikhail Durkin, CCB Executive Secretary
- Gunnar Norén, CCB Senior Advisor

Outcomes of the session:
- The Session took note that CCB supports linking the Recommendation to the permitting processes pointing out the link to the Annex III part II of the Helsinki Convention. The Session also took note of the view by CCB that the measures listed in the draft scope are not concrete or detailed enough and of the view that the most important topics and measures should be highlighted. The Session recalled that information on the potential of different measures to reduce ammonia emissions was described in the background document and noted that it could still be considered if this kind of background information could be annexed to the Recommendation.

- The Session took note of the view by CCB that actions E20 and E13 are overlapping and that there could be a stepwise process where first the Recommendation 24/3 would be revised as planned and as a second step revised again in 2025 by including the further defined BAT and BEP from action E13 as well as recommendations for other animal groups from action E14.

Participation supported by
CCB's participation in the event was supported by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.

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