
HELCOM - 13-та зустріч Групи зі сталого ведення сільського господарства

September 27, 2023


Informal Consultation Workshop on implementation of BSAP actions related to recreational crafts

Дата початку: 3 вересня 2024

Дата закінчення: 15 червня 2018

Час: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Place: Palanga, Lithuania & Online (via MS Teams)

Адреса: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finland

Informal Consultation Workshop on implementation of BSAP actions related to recreational crafts
We protect the Baltic Sea environment and its natural resources. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. We also have Facebook & Instagram pages dedicated to the critically endangered Baltic harbour porpoise.


The Informal Consultation Workshop on implementation of BSAP actions related to recreational crafts / leisure boats was held in Palanga, Lithuania on 27-28 September 2023. The session started at 17:00h (timezone: Helsinki / Riga) on 27 September 2023 and ended at 18:00 (timezone: Helsinki / Riga) on 28 September 2023.

The online participation was provided through MS Teams.

The workshop aimed to:
− further the work on HELCOM 2021 Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) actions related to recreational craft and other activities related to recreational craft that were carried within HELCOM so far and continue a discussion on environmental pressures associated with recreational boating in the Baltic Sea Region;
− initiate creating a baseline of knowledge available, completed and ongoing projects, and gaps identification in relation to implementation of HELCOM BSAP actions related to recreational boating;
− improve communication between research and end-users (marinas, boating associations, boat owners and operators, fishing tourism providers, etc.).

The workshop targeted representatives of governmental agencies, marinas and guest harbours, boating associations, research, media, NGOs that are relevant for the topic.

Opening & introduction
- Outline of HELCOM’s work on recreational crafts / leisure boats, by Markus Helavuori, HELCOM Secretariat

The perspective of the recreational boating sector in Europe and the Baltic Sea Region
- Overview of the recreational boating industry in Europe & addressing sustainability, European Boating Association, by Philip Easthill, European Boating Industry
- BaltSusBoating 2030 Project, by Ignė Stalmokaitė, Council of the Baltic Sea States – CBSS
- Environmental and maritime education of youth, Eco-ship project results, by Greta Srėbalienė, Klaipėda University

Impacts and solutions
- Sustainable leisure boating in the Baltic Sea: overview of impacts and best practices, by Sofia Wikström, Baltic Sea Center, Stockholm University

Sustainable marinas and boating (BSAP S13)
- Eko Marina III - Inventory, mapping and environmental labeling of Sweden's recreational marinas, by Ardo Robijn, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
- Boat owner’s view on sustainable boating, by Peter Karlsson, Swedish Yachting Association

Anti-fouling and Invasive alien species (BSAP S9, HL30)
- Reducing emissions of biocides from antifouling paints, by Maria Lagerström, Chalmers
University of Technology
- COMPLETE and COMPLETE PLUS, by Jutta Vuolamo, Keep Archipelago Tidy
- Drafting biofouling guidelines within HELCOM/OSPAR JTG Ballast & Biofouling, by Nicole Heibeck and Mariusz Zabrocki, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency

Sewage and Litter
- Managing litter and sewage from leisure boats, including Roope-marina Programme, by Aija Kaski, Keep Archipelago Tidy

Emissions and alternative fuels (BSAP S24)
- Model for leisure boat activities and emissions – implementation for the Baltic Sea, by Lasse Johansson, Finnish Meteorological Institute
- Sustainable boating and Electrified Power Line for Pleasure and Small Size Commercial
Transport Boats,
by Nicholas Honeth, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology

Underwater noise (BSAP S57)
- BIODIVERSEA LIFE-IP PROJECT – Sub-Action A8.2 Underwater noise and effects on fish and
by Okko Outinen, Finnish Environment Institute - SYKE, Finland
- Underwater acoustic signatures from recreational boats, by Emilia Lalander, Swedish Defence Research Agency - FOI, Sweden
- Underwater noise produced by recreational and small fishing boats (<14 m) in the shallow-water of the Cres-Lošinj Natura 2000 SCI, by Dr. Nikolina Rako, Independent Researcher, Croatia
- Underwater radiated noise produced by an electric boat in a coastal MPA and listening space reduction on species of conservation interest, by Marta Picciulin, WWF-Natural Marine Reserve of Miramare and CNR Ismar Venice, Italy
- Seasonal variability of acoustic climate around Hel Peninsula, Southern Baltic Sea, by Jarosław Tęgowski, University of Gdansk, Poland
- Distribution and speed of recreational boats in Danish waters: Predicting where boats may affect harbour porpoises, by Jacob Nabe-Nielsen, Aarhus University, Denmark

Credit: CCB

Organized by
The informal consultation workshop was jointly co-hosted by Lithuania (Marine Research Institute, Klaipeda University), Germany (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency) and Sweden (Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management) and co-organized by Coalition Clean Baltic.

Co-funded by

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA or the other funders. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

CCB positions reflected in these materials are not automatically transferred and do not reflect HAVs position on these topics.

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