On 13-15 November 2018, the European Commission, DG Environment, organised the second Marine Natura 2000 Seminar for the Baltic, Atlantic, Macaronesian, Mediterranean and Black Sea
marine biogeographical regions, in Palma, Mallorca. The seminar was organised around three themes, which were explored by application to selected habitats and species in the context of regional seas:
Theme 1: Setting conservation objectives at site, national and regional levels
Theme 2: Setting favourable reference values (FRVs)
Theme 3: Developing conservation measures to achieve the conservation objectives
The CCB Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Officer Ida Carlén chaired the Baltic Sea species session which focused on velvet scooter (
Melanitta fusca) and harbour porpoise (
Phocoena phocoena).
Presentations and outcomes of the seminar are available
The results of the seminar and the plan for follow-up actions will be discussed in the Marine Expert Group for the Birds and Habitats Directives during spring 2019.