
HELCOM - 13. spotkanie Grupy ds. Zrównoważonych Praktyk Rolniczych

14 czerwca 2018 r.

External workshop

Seminarium na temat planowania przestrzennego obszarów morskich i konwencji z Aarhus, 22 listopada

Data rozpoczęcia: 3 września 2024 r.

Data zakończenia: 15 czerwca 2018 r.

Czas: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Miejsce: Sekretariat HELCOM

Adres: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finlandia

CBD Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) in the Baltic Sea


At the United Nations Conference “Our oceans, our future: partnering for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14”, HELCOM Contracting Parties registered the voluntary commitment to identify Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSA) in the Baltic Sea.

To this end, a workshop to identify Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) in the Baltic Sea was organized on 19-24 February 2018 in collaboration between the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and HELCOM, in Helsinki, Finland. CCB was represented by Sandra Arvidson from Danish Society for Nature Conservation, who is also active in the CCB Working Group on BIodiversity and Nature Conservation.

Read more about EBSAs here, and the results from the HELCOM/CBD workshop here.

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