HELCOM - 13. spotkanie Grupy ds. Zrównoważonych Praktyk Rolniczych
14 czerwca 2018 r.
External workshop
Seminarium na temat planowania przestrzennego obszarów morskich i konwencji z Aarhus, 22 listopada
Data rozpoczęcia: 3 września 2024 r.
Data zakończenia: 15 czerwca 2018 r.
Czas: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST
Miejsce: Sekretariat HELCOM
Adres: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finlandia
What is HELCOM?
The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission – also known as the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) – is an intergovernmental organization (IGO) and a regional sea convention in the Baltic Sea area. HELCOM was established about four decades ago to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution through intergovernmental cooperation. The HELCOM Secretariat is located in Helsinki, Finland. To know more about it.
The workshop was held at Falenty Centrum Szkoleniowo-Konferencyjne (address: al. Hrabska 4b, 05-090 Raszyn-Falenty) near the Warsaw airport, Poland on 7 November 2018. The workshop started on Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 9:00 and ended by 17:00. The workshop was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Poland and HELCOM in cooperation with the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Policy Area Nutri.
The HELCOM Ministerial Meeting, held on 6 March 2018 in Brussels, committed to elaborating by 2020 a Baltic Sea Regional Nutrient Recycling Strategy and agreed to develop, as a follow-up to the Strategy, possible nutrient recycling measures to be included in the updated Baltic Sea Action Plan. The HELCOM Group on Sustainable Agricultural Practices (Agri group) is leading the work in cooperation with the HELCOM Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area (Pressure Working Group).
The workshop was organized back-to-back with the Manure Standards policy workshop held on 6 November and the Meeting of the Agri group dedicated to the revision of Annex III part II held on 8 November at the same venue.
Provisional agenda and related information are available here.