
HELCOM - 13. spotkanie Grupy ds. Zrównoważonych Praktyk Rolniczych

14 czerwca 2018 r.

External workshop

Seminarium na temat planowania przestrzennego obszarów morskich i konwencji z Aarhus, 22 listopada

Data rozpoczęcia: 3 września 2024 r.

Data zakończenia: 15 czerwca 2018 r.

Czas: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Miejsce: Sekretariat HELCOM

Adres: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finlandia

Baltfish workshop on technical measures
What is the BSAC? The Baltic Sea Advisory Council (BSAC) was set up in March 2006 after a decision by the EU to create so-called Regional Advisory Councils in the fisheries sector (Council Decision 2004/585/EC). The main aim of the BSAC is to prepare and provide advice on the management of Baltic Sea fisheries in order to achieve a successful running of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy. To know more about it.


On the 30 November 2020, from 13:00 to 16:00 CET the workshop on Technical solutions to reduce unwanted catches of cod in the Baltic Sea fisheries has been held online.
Organized by BALTFISH, DTU Aqua, and the Baltic Sea Advisory Council (BSAC)  this event presented various technical solutions for the Baltic Sea fisheries to avoid unwanted catches of cod.

Nils Höglund, CCB’s Fisheries Policy Officer, attended the meeting.

Documents related to the event:

The invitation and provisional agenda.
The participants list is available here.
The final report of the workshop.

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