16 June, a Zoom webinar
took place between 09.30–12.00 CET. It provided an overview of the situation, the EU evaluation and international efforts to protect European eel, as well as practical solutions for better management.
That has been followed by an
NGO Zoom meeting on 18 June
between 09.30–12.00 CET. It provided us the opportunity to discuss about strategic issues and future opportunities for collaboration. The meetings was co-organised by the
Good Fish Foundation
and the
Fisheries Secretariat, with input from
WWF Spain, Coalition Clean Baltic and
France Nature Environnement.
Programme 16 June09.30 Opening of meeting
09.35 Biological background and the population status of European eel –
Jan-Dag Pohlmann, Chair of joint EIFAAC/ICES/GFCM Working Group on Eels
09.55 European Commission evaluation of the Eel Regulation: state of play
– Katarzyna Janiak, DG MARE, European Commission
10.25 Fish passages for eels – practical examples and best practice solutions –
Olle Calles, Head of Biology, Karlstad University, Sweden
10.45 How we stop illegal trade in eel: from SCIPs to Europol flagship species –
European Fisheries Control Agency
11.15 More cooperation: towards an international Action Plan –
Melanie Virtue, Head of the Aquatic Species Team, Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)
11.35 Q&A session*
12.00 End of meeting
* It was also possible to pose questions after each presentation.
The second online meeting took place on 18 June 2020, also in the morning. It was open only for NGO’s.
Both meetings were by invitation only.