HELCOM - 13. spotkanie Grupy ds. Zrównoważonych Praktyk Rolniczych
14 czerwca 2018 r.
Seminarium na temat planowania przestrzennego obszarów morskich i konwencji z Aarhus, 22 listopada
Data rozpoczęcia: 3 września 2024 r.
Data zakończenia: 15 czerwca 2018 r.
Czas: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST
Miejsce: Sekretariat HELCOM
Adres: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finlandia
On the 9th and 10th of February 2021, the conference on "Completing management options in the Baltic Sea Region to reduce the risk of invasive species introduction by shipping" has been held online. The aim of the conference was to present potential solutions and sustainable management options for reducing the risk of invasive species introductions caused by shipping and boating in the Baltic Sea Region from the COMPLETE
project. The aim of the project has been to develop consistent and adaptive management tools and recommendations for the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) by addressing both major vectors of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens: ballast water and biofouling, as well as taking into account the needs for non-indigenous species monitoring.
What is the COMPLETE project? The Interreg Baltic Sea Region project COMPLETE
stands for Completing management options in the Baltic Sea Region to reduce risk of invasive species introduction by shipping (www.balticcomplete.com). COMPLETE addresses two of the major sources for harmful organism introduction caused by shipping and boating: ballast water and vessel hulls. The project tackles several gaps in current knowledge and management. COMPLETE works towards minimising the introduction of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens by developing a consistent and adaptive management system for the Baltic Sea Region. The project has partners and collaborators in all Baltic Sea countries.