HELCOM - 13. spotkanie Grupy ds. Zrównoważonych Praktyk Rolniczych
14 czerwca 2018 r.
Seminarium na temat planowania przestrzennego obszarów morskich i konwencji z Aarhus, 22 listopada
Data rozpoczęcia: 3 września 2024 r.
Data zakończenia: 15 czerwca 2018 r.
Czas: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST
Miejsce: Sekretariat HELCOM
Adres: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsinki, Finlandia
What is the European Commission?
The European Commission is the EU's executive arm. It takes decisions on the Union's political and strategic direction. The Commission helps to shape the EU's overall strategy, proposes new EU laws and policies, monitors their implementation and manages the EU budget. It also plays a significant role in supporting international development and delivering aid. To know more about it.
The conference brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, who confronted their views on the future of the Directive and the protection and management of the marine environment
After a set of plenary sessions, where keynote speakers address the state of the marine environment in Europe and the political context in which the review of the Directive is taking place, break-out sessions were organised around two main themes: “Achieving Good Environmental Status” and “Making the Directive work”. Nils Höglund, CCB's Policy Officer, took part in the break-out sessions.
Afterwards, a plenary closing session recapped the core of the discussions in the break-out sessions and outlined the next steps for the legal protection of EU seas and ocean.