20 October 2023 - 100 NGOs reply with an open letter to the European Commission´s letter on the role of hydropower in the deployment of renewable energies in the European Union, in response to the NGO letter of 6 February 2023.
While we agree that hydropower plants represent a small share of all river barriers in
Europe, hydropower barriers, even those with mitigation measures, have a much higher
environmental impact than other obstacles due to the specific fish-killing effect of hydropower
turbines and infrastructure, and due to hydropeaking causing declines in fish, insect and plant
populations as well as alterations in sediment dynamics.
We urge the European Union:
● To ensure that no new hydropower projects in Europe receive EU financing, in particular
through the Resilience and Recovery Facility respecting the do-no-significant-harm
● When reviewing Member States development plans designating renewable acceleration
areas, closely monitor that any planned hydropower development is checked against the
EU environmental legislation, including Article 4(7) of the Water Framework Directive.
The full letter with detailed motivations and resources is available here.