River University

2018 - ongoing

Our annual riverine event is an international gathering that creates a strong center of modern knowledge, linking experts, inviting river stakeholders and giving the opportunity to participants to learn about peculiarities of different rivers in the Baltic Sea Region and Europe.



The pilot project of River University was created and founded by Ewa Leś, CCB Working Area Leader on Eutrophication, in 2018 in Poland. The aim was to gather river experts from several transboundary basins of Poland (Odra, Vistula/Western Bug, Neman) with their counterparts from Belarus and Ukraine to discuss i.a. issues related to inland navigation and large infrastructure projects on straightening river flows in these countries. In 2020, River University was established internationally


under CCB umbrella, with the 1st online edition due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The focus was on Poland, in particular the Drawa river, presenting current riverine challenges impacting the society. Since then program is successfully continued: for the the 2nd edition we swam into Lithuania (2021), 3rd one we experienced in Estonia (2022), moving to Germany for 4th edition in 2023. River University with its content is always reacting on the current water issues in European and non-EU countries.









Why do we organize this course?

Having in mind that currently 60% of our European rivers and lakes are in poor condition – there is still a lot to improve, also for our health & safety. 

We depend on clean water and we need to protect our rivers for rivers life and functioning, riverine ecosystem services and its benefits for people and the environment. While taking care of the Baltic Sea, we must also protect the inland waters and wetlands, according to the 'source to sea' approach.

We stepped into the UN Decade on Ecosystems Restoration (including freshwater, peatlands, oceans and coasts restoration) and - based on the EU Water Framework Directive which protect our waters - we must reach the legally binding EU target to return Europe’s dirty freshwaters to health by 2027. Moreover, as Baltic and European countries, we aim to achieve the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 goal of restoring 25 000 km of rivers. 

How the course is implemented?

River University is structured as a 5 days of online and offline lectures and field trips, and it is open to a variety of stakeholders - from young students to authorities and experts. 

The lectures are interactive and prepared in collaboration with the best universities, water authorities, and official bodies.

The official language is English, with simultaneous translations provided into the host country language and Russian. 

CCB's Members Organisations and external partners have an active role as hosts and co-organizers of each edition. So far, we thank:

Moreover, each edition of River University:

What are the impacts?

The expected impact of the initiative is to:

  • contribute to the improvement of Baltic and European rivers condition;
  • raise awareness, exchange knowledge and implement different solutions to protect the Baltic rivers;
  • shared sense of responsibility around water management;
  • after the Odra River environmental catastrophe in 2022 actions dedicated to freshwater ecosystems are crucial for the benefit of river basin inhabitants  and the overused fragile ecosystems.


The 6th Edition of River University will take place in the summer 2025. Stay tuned for more information.



Since December 2022, River University is part of a global network of universities that have made an official pledge to work towards a global Nature Positive goal.

Read more

According to CCB's 'Guide to Sustainable Event Management' and Travel Policy, the River University courses organized in the Baltic Sea countries focus on sustainability via specific targets:

  1. Travel carbon footprint measure of the course, 
  2. water efficiency of the event towards water footprint,
  3. no-meat menu,
  4. community inclusion 
  5. contribution to the local economy 
  6. no printed materials event.

With the River University, we contribute to local biodiversity identification, we support the development of river restoration and protection projects and initiatives, and we set the targets for sustainable management of the River University.

Furthermore, national and local communities are always informed and invited to join the course and usually, some of them participate in the event.


For more information:


Ewa Leś, CCB Working Area Leader on Eutrophication:  ewa.les (at) ccb.se


 "River University" is funded by the EU LIFE Programme.


We continue to act, do you want to know more?

Stay tuned for the next River University!

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