The main goal of the Working Area Biodiversity is the protection of endangered species and habitats as well as
the implementation of ecosystem-based thinking and management in the Baltic Sea Region.
Many species threatened in the Baltic Sea region. The threats can be from specific anthropogenic uses such as fisheries, pollution or underwater noise, but also due to climate change as a consequence of the industrialisation of our world. Examples of threatened species are the Harbour porpoise
or various fish species, such as the Baltic salmon, listed in the EU Habitats Directive. We only have a few hundred porpoises left in the Baltic Sea and inaction is risking complete loss. The main threats to the Baltic harbour porpoise are considered to be bycatch in gillnet fisheries, environmental contaminants and underwater noise, as well as ecosystem changes which may influence prey accessibility. A Salmon Action Plan has been adopted but 2/3 of the wild river populations are still threatened due to pollution and damming of rivers for hydroelectric power.
Also cod, sea trout and eel
populations are of key importance. The Baltic cod is very important as a top predator and feed on sprat and herring. Over the past decades, the cod stock has been severely overfished, resulting in larger amounts of other pelagic fish which has changed the entire ecosystem from cod dominated to sprat and herring dominated.
The eel stock has declined by 97% and the Baltic Sea region is of particular importance since most eels here grow into large females, crucial to the success of spawn.
The aim is the implementation of ecosystem-based thinking and management in the Baltic Sea Region.
A specific focus has to be on key species of the ecosystem that are severely endangered in order to help rebuild a healthy Baltic Sea ecosystem. Equally some pressures and spatial measures need their own focus, such as marine protected areas or the impact of fisheries on the ecosystem.
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