2018 - ongoing
The Nature accessibility certificate “Naac” (Nature Accessible) ensures accessibility to natural objects - around the Baltic Sea including the coast, lakes and rivers, observing all the principles of nature protection and promoting the economic growth of small entrepreneurs and municipalities.
Coalition Clean Baltic has started developing Nature Accessible Certification (NaaC) scheme since 2018, when the idea for it was presented by the Latvian Green Movement together with Association of disabled people and their friends Apeirons at the International conference on “Sustainable Development Goals: To Raise Public Awareness in Building Sustainable Communities Around the Baltic Sea” on 26-27 September 2017 in Jūrmala, Latvia.
The work on nature accessibility certificate “Naac” to ensure accessibility to natural objects - in the coastal areas of the Baltic Sea, observing all the principles of nature protection and also promoting the economic growth of small entrepreneurs and municipalities has continued. The main criteria for obtaining such a nature accessibility certificate are ensuring the accessibility of coastal natural objects, following the principles of universal design, starting from the car park and ending with the universal toilet.
Ainaži trail to the old port (Salacgriva municipality)
Mērsrags Lighthouse Beach (Mērsrags municipality).
Jūrkalne main beach parking site (Ventspils regional municipality)
Roja Beach (Roja municipality)
Ķesterciems beach (Engure municipality)
Liedagi Beach (Grobiņa municipality)
Bernāti beach (South Kurzeme region)
Why NaaC?
We provide access to nature to all social groups using accessible infrastructures.
How NaaC is implemented?
NaaC has been developed and implemented through the following activities:
- LaGM has arranged 3 seminars on Nature Accessibility principles – “NaaC” and criteria for NGOs, municipali-ties and foreign representatives with more than 100 participants in total. We have produced brochures on “NaaC” in Latvian, English and Russian. More than 3000 copies were distributed in different NaaC events
- Within the coastal nature accessibility direction of the campaign, BaltCF project financed universal green toilets, wooden trails and view sites in dune areas thus improving the infrastructure in Ventspils, Salacgriva, Roja, Mersrags and Engure coastal municipalities
- In frame of the main LaGM General Meeting, in March 30, The decision for the members of LaGM was made to continue work and find funds for NaaC in future. It was decided to address also some private business investors.
- Experience exchange trip to learn dune protection and accessibility mechanisms and tools was arranged to visit to Polish and German coastal areas in June 2023 LaGM experts visited several nature reserves and recreation areas to monitor nature accessibility in coastal areas of Poland and Germany.
What are the impacts?
We ensure accessibility to natural objects - in the coastal areas of the Baltic Sea, observing all the principles of nature protection and also promoting the economic growth of small entrepreneurs and municipalities.