Our vision is to reach good ecological conditions of the Baltic Sea, ensuring its marine and terrestrial ecosystems are able to maintain and sustain biodiversity while also supporting sustainable development in the Baltic region.
Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) was established in Helsinki, in February 1990 when environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGO’s) from the countries of the Baltic Sea Region became united to cooperate in activities concerning the Baltic Sea environment.
We are a politically independent, non-profit association and unites Member and Observer organizations, as well as partners and individual experts in all countries of the Baltic Sea Region.
Combined, our member organizations have almost 1 500 000 members in all countries surrounding the Baltic Sea.
In 2020 we celebrated 30 years of actions, read more about our 30th Anniversary!
main goal of CCB is to promote the protection and improvement of the environment and natural resources of the Baltic Sea region for present and future generations.
Common objectives for the CCB network include seeking opportunities to encourage new and constructive approaches and engaging people to become part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Being an international network organization, CCB has the advantage of being able to work both at the international and national policy levels as well as with concrete field projects.
CCB uses
Result-Based Management (RBM) and
Theory of Change in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation of its activities.
Read more about our approach.
CCB participates as a joint advocacy organization for the Member Organizations with respect to intergovernmental Baltic Sea organizations such as the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission ( HELCOM ), the Baltic Sea Advisory Council ( BSAC ), the Baltic Sea Fisheries Forum (BALTFISH) and the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region ( EUSBSR ) process as well as the European Commission and European Parliament. CCB presents joint eNGOs’ proposals and demands, both to these, and other decision-makers in the Baltic Sea region and within the EU.
CCB gathers, produces and distributes information about environmental problems in the Baltic Sea region and proposes constructive, realistic measures to address them. The CCB proposals for harbour porpoise and salmon management are two such proposals as well as CCBs proposals for sustainable growth of the aquaculture industry in the Baltic region.
CCB promotes projects for environmental education and activities to raise public awareness at local or national grassroots level both about environmental protection and the sustainable use of natural resources.
CCB and its Member Organizations have undertaken a number of field projects covering a wide range of issues relevant to environmental protection, nature conservation and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region. These projects often serve the double purpose of being:
Any CCB Member organization can apply for funding from/via CCB using the
Project Management Guidelines, which describes how to draft and submit proposals, as well as contains updated templates for project application and reporting.
CCB gathers and distributes information about activities (meetings, conferences, cooperation projects, options for funding) in the Baltic Sea region that are of relevance to its Member Organizations.
CCB also supports the national work of its Member Organizations in a number of other ways, which include organizational and financial support to activities in need of such support.
Do you want to become a CCB Member?
Click the button below to read more about our criteria and how you can apply.