
The Council watches over CCB’s interests and administer its affairs in between the General Meetings, and decides on behalf of the Association on all matters on which no other provision is made in the Constitution.


The CCB General Meeting (2 per year) is the supreme authority of the Association and it´s composed of delegates representing each Member Organization.

The Council watches over CCB’s interests and administer its affairs in between the General Meetings, consisting of the 2 Co-Chairs of the Association, 3 representatives of Member organisations, as well as the Executive Secretary (without voting right).

Current members of the CCB Council are:

  • Bettina Taylor (Co-Chair)
  • Eugeniy Lobanov (Co-Chair)
  • Ida Carlén
  • Nataliya Cholovska
  • Robertas Staponkus

They serve independently from representing any country, Member, or Observer of the Association.


You can read more about the roles and responsibilities in the CCB´s Constitution.

Get in contact with the Council

If you have questions or want to collaborate send an e-mail to:

secretariat [at]

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