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Despite the European Commission's urgent recommendation to halt herring fishing due to dangerously low stocks, on October 24, 2023 the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council chose to set fishing quotas for 2024 as usual, ignoring scientific facts and legal guidelines.

We can't stand by while the precious marine Baltic ecosystem  is at risk and the herring stock is in crisis. Coastal fishermen and NGOs alike are demanding action as there´s less fish and the whole ecosystem is under more pressure and we risk loosing an entire fishery and the culture with it.

It's time for us, as a coalition of environmental NGOs, to hold decision-makers accountable. That´s why in July 2024 we have taken a legal action against the EU Council agreement on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2024!

It will be a long journey, but we can't do it alone — we need your support. Donate now and be a Herring Hero.   

Donate & Be a Herring Hero

Plea for the Sea - Advocate for a Fair Baltic Sea!

Read more about the CCB court case vs EU Council

How your donation
can help to advocate for a fair Baltic Sea?

  • Support the legal case to ensure the application of a precautionary approach in setting fishing rules for the Baltic Sea and other EU marine region;

  • Support the public awareness campaign;

  • Pressure policy-makers to follow the law and protect the Baltic marine life;

  • Advocate for science-based fishing regulations.



Did the EU fisheries Ministers act in accordance with the law when setting Baltic fishing quotas for 2024?

CCB considers it clear that the EU Council decided to ignore the safeguards and limits and they ignored the poor state of the Baltic Sea, the food web dynamics and clear warnings that genetically distinct sub-populations of herring also are at risk.

In light of the very poor status on the Baltic Sea and its fish stocks, in January 2024 CCB requested an internal review from the Council to seek explanation of how the past October AGRIFISH Council decisions are valid and meet the legal requirements in place.


The right to request an internal review of the Council's decision is given to NGOs such as CCB via the EU Aarhus regulation (Regulation (EC) No 1367/2006).

When this request was rejected with the claim that nothing was incorrect in the Council’s decision, CCB decided to appeal it and ask the EU Court for an annulment of the Council's decision not to review the 2024 Baltic fish quota decision.

If the court approves CCB´s request, it would affect how the Ministers can act in the future. It would set a precedent and clarify how fisheries and environmental laws should be interpreted in the light of setting fishing quotas not only in the Baltic Sea but across the EU.

Extra Resources


We filed the Court case against the EU Council in July 2024 and the final verdict is expected in late 2025 or early/mid 2026.

Have a look at the timeline below: it´s a long journey, but with your help we can advocate for a fair Baltic Sea.

Donate now and be a Herring Hero!

You can download the timeline in PDF here.
You can read more about the EU Court and its procedure

Media coverage

Plea for the Sea - Herring Heroes: advocate for a fair Baltic Sea!

The continued decline of our stocks caused by the Ministries continuously acting like it’s business as usual has to stop. It’s time we demand legal action of the flagrant disregard for the law and the environment.

Nils Höglund, former CCB Marine Policy Officer

Related court cases from other organisations

For more information:


CCB Secretariatsecretariat (at)           



With the financial support from BaltCF.


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