Offshore renewable energy (ORE)
in the Baltic Sea




We have been working jointly with WWF Baltic Programme (WWF BEP) to steer the discussion in Baltic Member States and provide criteria to be applied during the process for the identification and designation of offshore renewable energy (ORE) and for the deployment and installation of ORE technology.

Photo credit: lstockphoto/t-lorien



Due to the global climate crisis, the pressure to reduce fossil fuel energy consumption and to expand renewable energy capacity across the European Union (EU) has increased, following international and EU climate targets. To achieve this, the Plan suggests a “massive speed-up and scale-up in renewable energy” increasing the target of the EU energy share from renewable sources from 40% to 45% by 2030. On top of this, the urgent need to become energy independent has moved the energy transition to a high priority level in Europe.

The European Commission has also proposed the new
EU Nature Restoration Law, which aims to restore 20% of EU´s land and sea ecosystems by 2030. In the Baltic Sea Region, an updated plan to achieve a Good of Environmental Status of the Baltic Sea - called Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) - was adopted by Ministers of Environment and Senior Government Officials from all Contracting Parties of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) and the EU Commissioner for Environment in 2021.


These twin ambitions can come into conflict, as all infrastructure has an environmental impact. However, there are opportunities for the offshore wind to go beyond emissions reduction and apply measures that can not only minimise environmental risks but contribute to the enhancement of ecosystems though, guidance is needed. To help bend the curve on biodiversity loss, we believe offshore renewable energy should be developed in line with principles of environmental and nature protection - we want offshore renewable energy with nature in mind!

WWF Baltic Programme (WWF BEP) and Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) have developed guidelines and a policy brief in a joint effort to steer the discussion in Baltic Member States and provide criteria for the identification and designation of offshore renewable energy (ORE) and for the deployment and installation of ORE technology. With these documents we hope to inform the discussion on, and planning of, the much-needed expansion of offshore renewable energy.


CCB & WWF Offshore Renewable Energy Webinar: MPAs and Restoration - 25 September 2023

The joint "Offshore Renewable Energy Webinar: Marine Protected Areas and Restoration", organized by CCB and WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme, took place on 25 September 2023.

Event page Recording

Previous webinars

WEBINAR LAUNCH - 31 May 2023

This event, organised together with WWF Baltic Programme, focused on how to integrate nature into offshore wind development infrastructure by bringing together the perspectives of wind energy developers, research and NGOs.

Presentation & Extra materials Recording Panellists


Lena Bergström

 Head of the Ecosystem Analysis Unit and Associate Professor at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Aqua

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    Lena Bergström is Associate Professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and head of the Ecosystem Analysis Unit at SLU Aqua. She is an expert on marine environmental assessment and the science-policy interface, with a PhD focused on Ecology. Her research includes the effects of offshore wind farms on marine wildlife, and she has authored several international and national papers on this topic.

Kai Truempler

Head of the Spatial Planning division of the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency


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    Kai Truempler is head of the Spatial Planning division of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency in Germany. The division is responsible for preparing the maritime spatial plan and the offshore site development plan for the German EEZ. Kai Truempler has been working for the BSH since 2007 in various functions, including as a member of the IMO MEPC delegation and as a legal officer. He is co-chair of the HELCOM-VASAB maritime spatial planning working group. Mr. Truempler holds a PhD in international law and occasionally publishes on that topic.

Lasma Livzeniece

Executive Director at Latvian Wind Energy Association


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    Lasma Livzeniece is the Executive Director at the Latvian Wind Energy Association since 2019 when she returned to her home country Latvia after having spent a decade in Brussels working for wind energy trade associations WindEurope and later Global Wind Energy Council, where her role entailed policy, communications and events activities.

Related publications


for ore deployment and installations

Summary report

Policy brief



For more information:


CCB Secretariatsecretariat (at)       

The ORE in the Baltic Sea work is co-funded by:    

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management co-funded the "CCB & WWF Offshore Renewable Energy Webinar: MPAs and Restoration" held on 25 September 2023 and the CCB WWF Policy Brief.

CCB positions reflected in these materials are not automatically transferred and do not reflect HAVs position on these topics.

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