The CCB Annual Conference Baltic 2013 and CCB General Meeting was held in Tallinn, Estonia, between 17-19 May 2013.
CCB Annual Conference 2013 focused on:
Aquaculture: Development and sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region
Presentations were conducted by several actors coming from Aquabest, the Estonian Ministry of Agriculture-Fisheries department, Aquafima and CCB.
The aquaculture is a modern and ongoing subject. The intense debates which took place during the conference showed the strong interest of many organisations of the Baltic Sea region and CCB member organisations. Aquaculture is a field requiring more discussions and analysis so the pros and cons of such activity can be correctly known and assessed.
Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) – Implementation in the Baltic Sea Region
Presentations were conducted by several actors coming from the Estonian Ministry of Environment, HELCOM and CCB.
The presentations about the Marine Strategy Framework Directive underlined the complexity of implementing the directive on the field however, the deadlines are getting closer. Assuring a good coordination between scientific assessment and concrete action field is often underlined has being a key for success.
The Annual Conference 2013 was also a good opportunity for Barbara Jackson from Race For The Baltic to introduce the 2013 summer campaign to the CCB network and other organisations involved in the Baltic Sea region. Race For The Baltic is a cycling campaign around the Baltic Sea, visiting 9 countries and riding around 3 500 km in 3 months. Collecting signatures from the public and relevant stakeholders, we intend to hand over a letter to the Ministers of Environment when they meet in Copenhagen on 3 October asking them to move forward now!
Presentations Aquaculture:
Aquabest Project, Eskelinen
Aquaculture Estonia, Koitmaa
Aquafima Project, Kontautas
Aquaculture, G. Norén
Presentations MSFD
MSFD in Estonia, Vahtra
MSFD, CCB presentation, G. Norén