On 7 June 2018, the Swedish Government has granted a permit to the Nord Stream 2 AG for laying two natural gas pipelines on the continental shelf within the Swedish economic zone in the Baltic Sea. The permit contains number of conditions that the company has to comply with, as outlined in the attached unofficial translation (see full version of the permit in Swedish here )
At the same time, the Government has made it clear that Sweden has a critical attitude towards the Nord Stream 2 project, as it poses risks i.a. against the objectives of the EU Energy Union and does not comply with current EU legislation. Read more in the press-release by the Swedish Government
Despite the released permit that only applies to the construction works within Swedish EEZ, the Coalition Clean Baltic maintains its position (being repeatedly brought to the attention of EC and HELCOM) that the Nord Stream 2 is highly controversial from environmental point of view project as it failed to:
i.a. construction/pipe-laying/sound generating activities should only occur outside of the harbour porpoise breeding and critical nursing period (May-October). (the permit states “avoid June – August”)
In addition, the Nord Stream 2 Project simply contradicts with EU goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% when compared to 1990 levels by 2050, by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources and increasing energy efficiency.
Read more about the Coalition Clean Baltic’s position and the follow-up of the Nord Stream 2 project development at the dedicated webpage.