Photo Exhibition on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of West Pomeranian Nature Society
- March 2020
More than 5o participants attended the event, which included ceremonial opening of the photo exhibition, CCB stand ( gadgets, lefleats, information) and a presentation about CCB (in Polish)
made by Jakub Skorupski and Joanna Stańczak.
Photo credit: Joanna Stańczak
Latvia / Side event organized by CCB MO Environmental Protection Club of Latvia – VAK
Thanks to the support of the CCB, a Baltic Sea room was established by Environmental Protection Club of Latvia at the Green Awakening Museum Pils Street 1 in Jurmala.
In the Baltic sea room the Baltic Sea wall was created, a stand “people guard the sea” was created, as well as information sheets on the history of the Baltic Sea and with information on the main environmental problems and possible solutions. The exhibition in an interactive way show the beauty, the historical significance of the Baltic Sea and the dangers due to human activity. The exhibition include information on 30 years of CCB activity materials (documents, photos, items). One of the main exhibits of the exhibition is a row of people (made of cardboard + photo) made from a historical photograph of the VAK in 1989 from the prayer at the sea.
The opening of the Baltic Sea Room due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic took place in several stages:
Photo Credit: VAK
Germany/ Side event organized by CCB MO BUND – Friends of the Earth Germany
The Ocean Summit is a four-day event all about the protection of the seas, which was supposed to take place in Kiel for the first time from August 20 to 23, 2020 and thereafter every year. The content ranges from the importance of the ocean for all life on this planet and the global ocean crisis to our responsibility in Schleswig-Holstein for the North and Baltic Seas as the “land between the seas”. In order to emphasize this local responsibility, the topic of the first summit was “Acting for the North and Baltic Seas”. The aim of the event is to raise awareness, impart knowledge as well as becoming active and showing options for action in the field of marine protection and marine research.
Due to Covid-19 pandemic, BUND changed the format: more events (digital, live and hybrid) were organized from the beginning of June to give the opportunity to pursue the interest in marine protection to as many people as possible.
Ukraine/ Side event organized by CCB MO The Western Center of the Ukrainian Branch of the World Laboratory
The CCB's side events were funded by the EU Life Programme.