Coastal University 2021 – first edition

Welcome to the Coastal University!

Coastal zones are among the most productive areas in the world, offering a wide variety of valuable habitats and ecosystem services that have always attracted humans and human activities. The beauty and richness of coastal zones have made them popular settlement areas and tourist destinations, important business zones and transit points.

But this intense concentration of population and excessive exploitation of natural resources puts enormous pressure on our coastal ecosystems leading to biodiversity loss, habitat destruction, pollution, as well as conflicts between potential uses, and space congestion problems.


Coastal zones are also among the most vulnerable areas to climate change and natural hazards. Risks include flooding, erosion, sea level rise as well as extreme weather events. These impacts are far reaching and are already changing the lives and livelihoods of coastal communities.

But near the coastal zones, the industrial enterprises and coal ports are also located, and the harmful estates pollute the coastal waters. How to reconcile the influence of people and their economic activity on coastal ecosystems, and recreational necessity to combine the recreational value of natural reserves?


The first edition was devoted to sustainable planning with the ecosystem approach and the participation of citizens.

We figured out what the “coastal zone” is and why in some countries this concept includes space on both sides of the coastline and protect both sea and earth ecosystems. However, in Russia spatial planning is limited by the coastline and is conducted only in the land-use planning.

However, this approach gave rise to many coastal urban conflicts between the locals and stakeholders from the business, the authorities and unstable environmental legislation.


In the first edition, we did not only to hear inspirational stories of solutions for the coastal planning of the Baltic Sea, but we also listened to citizens, researchers, representatives of municipalities and maritime and urban planners.

The four Baltic regions shared the results of the newly ending practical and research work Land Sea Act Project* on planning shore zones, interaction with local residents, coastal business and municipalities.

About two comparative cases and levels of planning (national, regional and municipal) we heard from Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC), and about inspirational maritime reserves from Institute for the Marine Environment

About the state of the Russian part of the Baltic Sea in St. Petersburg area we will heard from Geological Research Institute VSEGEI.

And about topical hazards and challenges from the active inhabitants of the region.


The working language was English, simultaneous translation into Russian was provided.


  • 13 December 2021
  • 20 December 2021
  • 17 January 2022

WHERE: Online via zoom, the link to join the Coastal University was sent to the registered participants in due time.

*Land-Sea-Act project:

The EU project Land-Sea-Act  (2019-2021) aims to bring together stakeholders involved in coastal management and planning, to find solutions to Coastal & Maritime Spatial Planning and Blue Growth challenges around the Baltic Sea and to elaborate Multi-level Governance Agenda on Blue Growth and Spatial Planning in Baltic Sea Region. The project will guide national, regional and local authorities, as well as stakeholders of various sectors to:

– Improve transnational cooperation and facilitate knowledge exchange to foster Blue Growth;

– Raise awareness, knowledge and skills to enhance Blue Growth initiatives and integrated development in coastal areas;

The Baltic Sea coast seen from the lecturers of the Coastal University

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    Picture from Anu, Estonia

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    Picture from Ida, Sweden

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    Picture from Ida, Sweden

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    Picture from Ida, Sweden

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    Picture from Anna, Russia

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    Picture from Anna, Russia

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    Picture from Fehrmarn, Germany


Contact person:

Irin Breining, 
Urban sociologist, NGO @waterfrontsave

Irin Breining is an urban sociologist and she is also the coorganizer & initiator of the Coastal University.

The event was co-organised by @waterfrontsave and Coalition Clean Baltic.

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