The Baltic harbour porpoise is critically endangered

Your help is vital to protect the only whale in the Baltic Sea!



How your donation
can help to save
the Baltic porpoise?

  • Adapt alternative fishing gear to local conditions in the eastern Baltic to prevent bycatch;

  • Support CCB advocacy work to push for the implementation of concrete conservation measures;

  • Support CCB raising awareness activities (e.g. materials, publications, etc.);

  • Support research work on issues concerning underwater noise , Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), offshore wind energy, etc.


You are only one step away from giving your support for the protection of this endangered species, the Baltic proper harbour porpoise.

Use the information in the box to make a donation by bank transfer or use Paypal through the button below.

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Voices of the donors

We want to make a real difference!

Both Sören and I are deeply committed to life in the seas, and we both feel that it is horrible that the only species of whale living in the Baltic Sea is facing extinction.

Måns Kämpe and Sören Kjellkvist, Swedish adventurers




The threats to the Baltic proper harbour porpoise

The harbour porpoise is the only whale resident in the Baltic Sea.
It has been present here since the Baltic Sea formed some 10 000 years ago, but today there is only a small remnant of the historical population left. With only a few hundred animals, the Baltic Proper harbour porpoise is critically endangered, and urgent measures are needed to save the population.

Contact us

We are happy to support you in case you have any questions:

secretariat (at)

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