
Towards solutions for sustainable shipping and boating: better biofouling and ballast water management

December 4, 2019


Towards solutions for sustainable shipping and boating: better biofouling and ballast water management

Start date: December 4, 2019

End date:  December 5, 2019

Time: 12:00 AM

Place: Jurmala, Latvia


Towards solutions for sustainable shipping and boating: better biofouling and ballast water management


The stakeholder conference “Towards solutions for sustainable shipping and boating: better biofouling and ballast water management” was organized by the COMPLETE project in Jurmala, Latvia, on 4-5 December 2019.

The aim of the conference was to discuss potential solutions and sustainable management options for reducing the risk of invasive species introductions caused by shipping and boating in the Baltic Sea Region.

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