External meeting


June 1, 2021

External meeting


Start date: June 1, 2021

End date:  June 2, 2021

Time: 12:00 AM

Place: Online




The 4th Baltic MSP Forum took place on 1 – 2 June 2021, online and was broadcasted from Latvia. The Forum was organised by two Interreg BSR projects Capacity4MSP and Land-Sea-Act and it served as a final conference for both projects.

Already for the 4th time the Baltic MSP Forum was organised to bring together maritime spatial planning (MSP) community from the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) and beyond to discuss, share, learn and develop new ideas to enhance MSP in the region.

‘Delivering MSP – Interactions and Capacities Across All Levels’ is the slogan of the 4th Baltic MSP Forum. It came with a message that in year 2021, when all countries in the BSR are on track with Maritime Spatial Plans and are stepping into plan implementation phase, consequent question arises – what’s next?
​MSP is not ultimate/universal, although it is based on ecosystem approach (achievement of GES) and interplay of existing and new marine and coastal uses. MSP is one of essential components of the Blue growth strategy and obviously will need to align with the rising Green Deal and its overarching aim of climate neutrality in Europe by 2050.​

To know more about the event.
To see the agenda and workshop sessions.


Contact information:
Ms Liene Strazdina VASAB Secretariat, Capacity4MSP project liene.strazdina@vasab.org
Ms Margarita Volosina MoEPRD, Land-Sea-Act project margarita.volosina@varam.gov.lv

The 4th Baltic MSP Forum was jointly organised by the VASAB Secretariat and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia (MoEPRD) as the led partners of two Interreg BSR projects Capacity4MSP and Land-Sea-Act.

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