
Conference - Ocean Acidification – Interfaces between Civil Society, Science and Policy.

May 5, 2021


Conference - Ocean Acidification – Interfaces between Civil Society, Science and Policy.

Start date: May 5, 2021

End date:  May 6, 2021

Time: 12:00 AM

Place: Online


Conference - Ocean Acidification – Interfaces between Civil Society, Science and Policy.
What is Air Pollution & Climate Secretariat? The Secretariat is a joint venture between four Swedish environmental organisations with the chief purpose of promoting awareness of the problems associated with air pollution and climate change, and thus, in part as a result of public pressure, to bring about the required reduction in the emissions of air pollutants, including greenhouse gases. The eventual aim is to have those emissions brought down to levels, the so-called critical loads, that the environment can tolerate without suffering damage. To know more about it.


On the 5th & 6th of May, was held online the "Ocean Acidification Conference – Interfaces between Civil Society, Science and Policy".

This conference organised by Air Pollution & Climate contributed to highlight the threat of ocean acidification during the first week of May 2021 beside other educational and public activities.


During this conference, Mikhail Durkin, CCB Executive Secretary, presented "Climate change in the Baltic Sea Action Plan update: HELCOM and civil society perspective".
To see his presentation here.

& the programme.
Contact person: Marko Reinikainen

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