2021 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
April 27, 2021
External meeting
2021 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
Start date:April 27, 2021
End date:May 14, 2021
The 2021 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission took place online from 27 April to 14 May 2021. A large number of issues were discussed, among them the situation for the Baltic Proper harbour porpoise population, where a paper was presented by CCB. The issue of the military in some countries stopping large-scale use of pingers in the Baltic was met with worry, and recommendations are made in the report from the meeting (https://iwc.int/available-now-iwc-scientific-committee-meeting).
Ida Carlén, CCB Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Officer took part in this event.