External meeting

2021 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission

April 27, 2021

External meeting

2021 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission

Start date: April 27, 2021

End date:  May 14, 2021


Place: Online


2021 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission


The 2021 meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission took place online from 27 April to 14 May 2021. A large number of issues were discussed, among them the situation for the Baltic Proper harbour porpoise population, where a paper was presented by CCB. The issue of the military in some countries stopping large-scale use of pingers in the Baltic was met with worry, and recommendations are made in the report from the meeting (https://iwc.int/available-now-iwc-scientific-committee-meeting).

Ida Carlén, CCB Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Officer took part in this event.

To read the 2021 report of the virtual Scientific Committee meeting.

To read previous reports of the IWC Scientific Committee.

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