The PLC informal consultation workshop on the effectiveness of measures and the analysis of implementation obstacles (IC PLC WS 1-2022) was held in Berlin, Germany on 22-23 November 2022.
The Workshop was attended by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Poland and Sweden. Observers from Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB), John Nurminen Foundation and Race for the Baltic as well as invited guests also attended the Session.
CCB participant in the session:- Mikhail Durkin, CCB Executive Secretary.
Outcomes of the meeting:
- The Workshop took note of the concern by
CCB on the lack of progress in implementing measures related to
agriculture and the voluntary nature of many measures highlighting that
the message should be sent to the policy makers on the priority to
reduce nutrient inputs from agriculture. The Workshop also took note of
the suggestion by CCB to consider taking the revision of EU
UrbanWastewater Treatment Directive into account in the analysis as well
as the need to bring the HELCOM perspective into the review process of
the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
- The Workshop took note of the view by CCB that while some soils are depleted of phosphorus, this should not lead to additional use of mineral fertilizers but first the organic fertilizer resources should be utilized and the view by CCB that the Agri Group should be a sub-group of the successor of the Pressure Working Group.
- The Workshop took note of the proposal by CCB to do an effectiveness analysis on also the maritime related actions to reduce nutrient inputs. The Workshop supported working closer with the Maritime Working Group. The Workshop noted that there is an ongoing maritime-relatedHORIZON project EMERGE (Evaluation, control and Mitigation of the environmental impacts of shippinG Emissions) with a case study in the Baltic Sea and that its results should be utilized in the work.
- The Workshop took note of the comment by CCB that the Kaunas dam could be a source of nutrient inputs to the Nemunas River.
- The Workshop took note of the proposal by CCB to have earlier deadlines for implementing the nutrient removal requirements from the revised EU UWWTD and to include these in the revision of HELCOM Recommendation 28E/5.
Participation supported by
CCB's participation in the event was supported by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.