The International Conference GRASS 2024 Greener Agriculture for a Sustainable Sea took place online and in hybrid mode on November 26 and 28, 2024. The event was organized by PKE, CCB Member Organization from Poland, and Koalicja Klimatyczna with the support of Coalition Clean Baltic.
Speakers list 26 November 2024 - Dr Tomasz Figarski – Naturalists Association Ostoja, University of Łódź - Anne-Sofie Sadolin Henningsen – Forests of the World - Rebecca Nygrѐn – Coalition Clean Baltic - prof. Bogdan Chojnicki – Poznań University of Life Sciences - prof. Ewa Jabłońska – Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw - prof. Jan Marcin Węsławski – Institute of Oceanology PAN - prof. Paulina Kramarz – Institute of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University - Maria Staniszewska – Polish Ecological Club
28 November 2024 - Marek Krysztoforski – Agricultural Advisory Centre - Zbigniew Karaczun – Climate Coalition - Prof. Eng. Tadeusz Pomianek – University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland - prof. Agata Jabłońska-Trypuć – Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of - Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology - Jerzy Kupiec, PhD, DSc Eng. – University of Life Sciences in Poznań - Uladzimir Zuyeu – Nerush-Natura and Coalition Clean Baltic - Piotr Miklaszewski – representative of the NGO Rodzice dla Klimatu - Leszek Duszak – dairy cattle farmer - Damian Murawiec – farmer and representative of the Grassroots Nationwide Farmers' Protest - Mateusz Ciasnocha – farmer and CEO of the European Carbon Farmers
Outcomes FIRST DAY - The first part of the event was devoted to the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), a new EU regulation aimed at reducing deforestation and forest degradation. The speakers presented the definition of the regulation, its scope and why it is needed. In addition, the impact of the regulation on small producers was described, potential scenarios, how the situation may develop and what steps should be taken by companies cooperating with small producers. The current situation of the regulation, which was recently discussed in the European Parliament in the context of proposals to introduce changes to its content and postpone the implementation deadline for companies, was also presented. The impact of deforestation on the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea was also described using the example of Finland.
- The second part of the meeting concerned the Restoration of Natural Resources, i.e. the Nature Restoration Law (NRL). The speakers presented the link between the NRL and climate change, as well as the sustainable development goals, also in the context of the European Green Deal. The NRL was also discussed in the context of the restoration of wetlands and the related restoration of agricultural ecosystems. Then, the topic of the impact of climate change on the flora and fauna of the Baltic Sea and the changes that are currently taking place in its ecosystem due to human activity was raised. The importance of biodiversity for agricultural areas was also presented, while presenting the effectiveness of such procedures as crop rotation. The final presentation concerned the importance of wetlands - buffer zones - in the fight against eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.
- A total of 128 participants registered, and simultaneously, 78 people took part in the event.
- Recording
SECOND DAY - The meeting began with a presentation on the impact of the Green Deal on a sustainable economy, taking into account not only the positives but also referring to the controversies, including international and national farmers’ protests. Then the current form of the food system was discussed, and why and how this form should change to stop the process of devastation of our Planet and consequently harm to people.
- The next presentation was devoted to the impact of pesticides on human health, taking into account the ways and effects of poisoning. After the presentation, a discussion took place, during which the participants in the room asked questions to the speakers. After the discussion, there was a short break.
- The first presentation after the break was on climate change in the Baltic Sea region; trends in the Baltic region, forecasts of changes and their impact were discussed. The next presentation focused on animal farms; their expansion and changes in Polish agriculture, as well as the impact of farms on ecosystems. Particular attention was paid to the quality of waters located near farms. The need to establish the maximum allowable concentration of animals in one place was emphasized. The last presentation concerned the Common Agricultural Policy and its impact on the climate and the Baltic Sea, as well as the need to transform the current model of agriculture and what steps should be taken in this direction.
- After a short break, the last stage of the conference began – a debate in which farmers took part, including those with farms exceeding 500 ha, representatives of non-governmental organizations. The debate was led by the well-known journalist of Radio TOK FM, Ewa Podolska. The aim of the debate was to start a discussion on the farmers' protests – to jointly find out what the problem is and how it could be solved. We considered whether farmers and naturalists can start cooperation, what conditions must be met for this cooperation to take place and what farmers need in the current situation. Despite the difficulties in reaching an agreement on certain issues, the need for cooperation and further dialogue was emphasized.
- A total of 133 people registered, with 25 people in the room 155 viewers via the live broadcast.
Under the honorary patronage of: Credit pictures: PKE
Co-funded by: Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.