While official meetings and other events of all HELCOM Working and Expert Groups and other subsidiary bodies are postponed due to the HELCOM strategic pause until further notice, informal consultation sessions, without Russian participation, can be organized and hosted by a Contracting Party.
The 3rd Informal Consultation Session of the Maritime Working Group (IC WG MARITIME 3-2024) was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 22-24 October 2024.
The Session was attended by Delegations from Denmark, Estonia, the EU, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden, and by Observers from Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB), European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and the John Nurminen Foundation, as well as invited guests from Chalmers University, EUSBSR Policy Area Safe and the EUSBSR Policy Area Ship.
CCB Participant in the meeting- Mikhail Durking, CCB Executive Secretary
Outcomes of the meeting- The Session took note that an online workshop on implementation of BSAP actions related to recreational craft, co-organized by CCB and the European Boating Industry, is planned to be held during the first or second week of December 2024.
- Following considerations at IC WG MARITIME 2-2023 on the process of preparing a reference document on best technologies, techniques and practices (BAT/BEP) to minimize nutrient losses from dry bulk fertilizer storage and handling in ports in the Baltic Sea region (Memo of IC WG MARITIME 2-2023, para. 6.15-6.17, and document 6-1), the Session considered the draft Recommendation on BATs/BEPs to minimize nutrient losses from dry bulk fertilizer storage and handling in ports in the Baltic Sea Region (document 6-4). The Session thanked CCB, John Nurminen Foundation and Race for the Baltic for the work done.
- The Session took note of the Memo of the Informal Consultation Workshop on discharges from tank washing on chemical tankers as contained in document 6-2. The Session noted that the workshop was very useful and thanked CCB and John Nurminen Foundation for the support with organizing the event.
- The Session took note of the information provided by CCB on the Red Noise Baltship Project and QuietWaters Project application (document 11-6), including upcoming events as well as the planned development of a Digital Baltic Sea Platform for Recreational Craft, which could potentially be hosted by HELCOM if agreed by Contracting Parties.
Participation supported by
CCB's participation in the event was supported by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither
the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.