The PROTECT BALTIC mid-year meeting 2025 was online on January 29, 2025.
As part of the PROTECT BALTIC team, CCB was one of the partners invited to report on their progress.
CCB participant in the session- Estefania Cortez, CCB Project Manager/Legal Expert
Outcomes of the meetingThe mid-year meeting was an opportunity to re-evaluate challenges in the project that you would like to discuss with project partners, especially for the work in WP2 and WP7.
Furthermore, there was a presentation on the first Reporting period in 2025 and how the ongoing work and progress in PROTECT BALTIC would need to update the Task tracker and further elaborate on the Key performance indicators (KPIs) for the correspondent WPs.
Finally, as part of the meeting, CCB was invited to give a presentation of task 2.4 by the management team, to update many consortium members on the overview of the data collected in the data harvesting, and give them a possibility to ask questions.
The participants' list is not available for this meeting.
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