
UBC TALKS - new era of toxic-free water cycle

March 25, 2025


UBC TALKS - new era of toxic-free water cycle

Start date: March 25, 2025

End date:  March 25, 2025

Time: 10:30 - 12:00 EET

Place: Online


UBC TALKS - new era of toxic-free water cycle
This webinar features representatives of the EMPEREST project consortium, ready to share the results of the extensive 2-years work in the transnational environment, made possible by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme! EMPEREST tests advanced treatment technology that helps water utilities and companies better remove PFAS and other organic micropollutants from wastewater.


How to ensure a safe water cycle and effectively remove micropollutants from wastewater, fulfilling the revised Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive? The answers came at the UBC TALKS webinar on 25 March 2025!

The UBC TALKS webinar introduced new era of toxic-free water cycle on 25 March 2025 at 9.30–11.00 CET / 10.30–12.00 EET, international experts from the Baltic Sea Region discussed the challenge of micropollutants in wastewater, technologies for their removal, as well as the new European regulations requiring significant infrastructural investments in all larger cities.

Tune in to hear the European contexts and the local BSR developments in testing the most efficient trains of technologies to remove micropollutants. Participants also learned about capacity-building opportunities and were equipped with an interactive online training package for local authorities and water utilities.

CCB Speakers
Mikhail Durkin, CCB Executive Secretary

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