GRASS - Greener Agriculture for a Sustainable Sea 2019

 The conference touched on a range of relevant topics related to agricultural practices including, soil quality and water retention, inefficient and excessive use of fertilizers, green practices that promote the retention of nutrients, organic farming and the reform of the EU CAP.

WWF and CCB celebrated this year’s national winners of the Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award from all Baltic Sea countries, including Belarus and Ukraine and announced this year’s regional winner. This award inspires and recognises the farmers who are making a difference to reduce nutrient runoff to the Baltic Sea.

Info & materials

Contact for media

Mikhail Durkin, Coalition Clean Baltic – CCB: mikhail.durkin (at)
Ottilia Thoreson, WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme: Ottilia.thoreson (at)

Contact for participants

Aleksandra Józewicz: tel. 729 994 081, konferencja (at)


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