"Greener Agriculture for a Sustainable Sea - The Future of Agriculture in Poland and Europe" GRASS Conference 2022

Welcome to the GRASS conference!

The Polish Ecological Club, the Koalicja Żywa Ziemia (Living Earth Coalition) and Coalition Clean Baltic cordially invited you to the international conference "Greener Agriculture for a Sustainable Sea - The future of agriculture in Poland and in Europe" GRASS 2022, which was held on 11-12 May in a hybrid format: on site at the Innovation and Technology Transfer Management Center in Warsaw, Poland, and online via Zoom.

The conference covered topics related to the Common Agricultural Policy, organic farming and agroecology, including agricultural practices that have an impact on maintaining soil in good agricultural condition and preventing nutrient leakage to surface waters and the Baltic Sea. Topics related to animal welfare and the impact of animal production on the environment, climate and people as well as the reduction of pesticides in agricultural production were also discussed.

The groups represented by the participants of the conference included: farmers, representatives of institutions of higher education, representatives of local governments, representatives of agricultural advisory centers, non-governmental organizations concerned with topics of agriculture, ecology and environment. The first day of the Conference was attended by 158 participants (56  in person,102 online), while the second day was attended by 110 participants (36 in person, 74 online).

Polish and European agriculture is facing many difficult economic, social and environmental challenges, the solution of which is decisive for the future of food security. The most serious of them is to ensure the profitability and competitiveness of agricultural production in the country and in Europe in line with the urgent need to take environmental and climate-friendly measures and to guarantee the sustainable development of rural areas. The way the agricultural sector operates is also having a growing impact on the growing expectations of consumers for the production of high-quality food in line with the principles of public health, nature, soil, water and climate protection, and animal welfare.




  • The conference was held in Polish and English. Simultaneous interpretation were provided.
  • The organizers provided lunch and refreshments. Meals during the conference were vegetarian and vegan.


11-12 May 2022


Hybrid format:

  • Online (Zoom)
  • On site at the Center for Innovation Management and Technology Transfer of Warsaw University of Technology
    ul. Rektorska 4, 00-614 Warsaw, Poland
    1st floor, 1.01 Hall

The building is located within 5 minutes walking distance from Metro Politechnika station.
We recommend checking the available routes before arrival by using Google maps or other available maps.
The link to a Google map with the location marked is provided here:


Participation was free of charge.

Recordings of the GRASS conference 

List of video recordings (Polish language) from the Coalition Livinh Earth´s Youtube channel:

Pictures of the GRASS conference 

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    Picture by Coalition Living Earth

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    Picture by Coalition Living Earth

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    Picture by Coalition Living Earth

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    Picture by Coalition Living Earth



Contact person:


Maria Staniszewska, Polish Ecological Club



The GRASS conference is one of our annual events. 
You can read more about the project and the previous or future editions.


Project GRASS conference
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