Christmas is the season to be jolly. A time full of happiness and joy. It’s the time to reach out to your close ones and spend time with the family. A time for peace and contemplation. However, all of these things often get lost in the holiday hustle and bustle, when we are getting frustrated looking for the perfect gifts or running out of time to prepare the home for celebration.
This campaign run within the framework of the NonHazCity project and in cooperation with:
@bef.deutschland - - @beflatvia - @Неруш - @ecopartnerstvo - @Giftfrittstockholm - @giftfrittvasteras - @PKEGdansk - @EkoAgora - @nonhazcity - @miastonadetoksie - @alhem - @eestirohelineliikumine - @Lietuvos Gamtos Fondas - @KaliningradskoeDvizenieZelenaaPlaneta
Our aim was to change all of this by guiding people through the difficult decisions and helping them make healthy choices also during Christmas. On Monday, November 26 2018 we started the social media campaign #ThinkBeforeYouBuy about harmful substances in products in Christmas time. During 23 days we informed people about this topic and we gave them some tips about what they could do better when doing Christmas shopping and preparing for holidays!
Hashtags of the campaign: #NonHazCity #ThinkBeforeYouBuy