For the protection of the Baltic Sea environment

The main goal of CCB is to promote the protection and improvement of the environment and natural resources of the Baltic Sea region for present and future generations.

About us

CCB's Member Organizations

CCB unites Member and Observer organizations, as well as partners and individual experts in all countries of the Baltic Sea Region.

Combined, the CCB member organizations have almost 1 500 000 members in all countries surrounding the Baltic Sea.

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  • Plea for the Sea - CCB legal case

    It will be a long journey, but we can't do it alone — we need your support. Donate now and be a Herring Hero.

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  • Our Common Baltic Course

    18-23 August 2025

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By CCB March 6, 2025
The Baltic Sea, one of the world’s largest bodies of brackish water, is home to a wealth of varied biodiversity. But this unique and delicate ecosystem is facing increasing pressures from human activities and global threats, such as climate change. A key strategy for safeguarding the sea is the establishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) —designated zones where human activities should be regulated for the benefit of biodiversity, allowing ecosystems to recover and thrive. Despite globally recognized efforts by the countries bordering the Baltic Sea to designate MPAs, significant gaps remain in their governance, management, and monitoring—both individually and as part of a transboundary network. To address these gaps, the PROTECT BALTIC project —under the umbrella of the regional sea convention HELCOM—is working to better understand the current state of the Baltic Sea MPA network and its management across the region, as well as how countries can collaborate to enhance it. A key step in this process is updating and improving the region’s MPA Portal, a regional platform designed to store comprehensive MPA information and strengthen the capacity of marine protection actors. In this process, the project is uncovering some notable challenges, but also some significant opportunities. Estefania Cortez, PROTECT BALTIC Project Manager / Legal expert from CCB, is leading the task of collecting and compiling information from the Baltic countries’ MPA management plans and other similar official instruments. She provides insights into the complexities of MPA management in the region and the crucial role that the project is playing in modernizing information and bridging existing gaps.
By CCB March 5, 2025
What is the Oceans Pact?
By CCB February 6, 2025
6 February 2025 - Together with other NGOs, we sent a letter to the German Baltfish Presidency to demand urgent action to prevent the extinction of the Baltic harbour porpoise. The Baltic Proper harbour porpoise population is on the brink of extinction. This dire situation has been well-documented for many years. Solutions are available and can be implemented immediately, alongside necessary measures to restore the Baltic Sea's good environmental status. Allowing the loss of this unique population due to political inaction would be unacceptable and would undoubtedly face widespread societal condemnation. Read the full letter with our requests to the German Baltfish Presidency. EXTRA RESOURCES CCB´s webpage to #SaveTheBalticPorpoise. ICES (2024). EU request on support for the implementation of the Action Plan for harbour porpoise in the Baltic Sea (Baltic Proper) .
By CCB December 17, 2024
During the last CCB General Meeting , held online on 18 November 2024, CCB welcomed a new Member Organization in its network: the Finnish Society for Nature and Environment (Natur och Miljö), from Finland.
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