CCB has 23 Member organizations and 1 Observer from 11 countries in the Baltic Sea Region (Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden and Ukraine):
The organizations represent the largest and most important environmental NGO's in these countries and together have over 890 000 individual members.
In June 2020, the CCB General Meeting elected the new Board and the new Chairperson (Aija Caune, Latvia), for the period June 2020-May 2022.
All Member Organizations and Observer, as well as the Executive Secretary on behalf of the International Secretariat expresses gratitude for Jakub Skorupski’s work as the CCB Chairman in the last 10 years.
The Baltic Shadow Plan: for the future of the Baltic Sea
In March 2020, together with WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme, we presented a joint ‘Shadow Plan’ in response to the ongoing HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) update process.
The Shadow Plan contains recommended actions across all themes addressed by the current Action Plan, which was adopted in 2007 by the Helsinki Convention, and had the goal to restore the Baltic marine environment to a good ecological status by 2021. However, the nine Baltic Sea Countries are nowhere near achieving this goal.
The only whale in the Baltic Sea
CCBs activities and aims to raise the focus on the Baltic whale, the harbour porpoise, has increased in recent years. Our action to address the Commission and to request emergency measures under the CFP gave dramatic results in 2020.
ICES evaluated the suggested actions that CCB presented to the Commission and in May ICES advice was released. ICES considered the NGO proposals as needed measures and ICES advice went even further than CCB asked for. Since then, the Commission is considering implementing emergency measures for the Baltic harbour porpoise, and has requested that the Member States act and present a joint regional recommendation for long-term measures that match the ICES advice. In December 2020 BALTFISH submitted the first of two jointrecommendations to the Commission.
This result must be considered a big step forward to both reduce the bycatches of porpoise but also to elevate the porpoise to the top of the agenda.
30 years is the right age to Re-think, Re-vitalise, Re-unite and Re-coalition
CCB has during the year focused on a process to re-vitalize the network. The idea of and purpose of joining forces in a network like CCB has been revisited and a new structure is emerging.
CCB has had more internal meetings, contacts, planning meetings etc.than ever before. Working groups have been created and old ones havelived up. More engaged members and more joint work on advocacy or restoration work is now hopefully the return of the investment made during this challenging period. Trust and hope is crucial in a period of conflicts and dismantled democratic principles around the Baltic Sea region.
These graphs provide a summary of CCB incomes and expenditures.
Incomes Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
CCB Incomes List Item 1Expenditures Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
CCB Expenditures List Item 2An important lesson learned this strange year is that many of the meetings we normally travel for can be held online in a very effective way. As part of our internal travel and climate policies, CCB has been using such tools for a long time and promoting its use also in international meetings.
You can download the PDF of CCB 2020 Annual Report here.
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