Greener Agriculture for a Sustainable Sea (GRASS) Conference 2021

Welcome to the GRASS conference!

On 22 December 2021, from 9:00 to 12:00 (CET) “The Greener Agriculture for Sustainable Sea” Conference took place in Belarus.

A special focus of the event was the discussion of the competition “ WWF Baltic Sea Farmer of the Year Award “, which has been running for several years in Belarus, Ukraine and other countries of the Baltic Sea Region. How the competition evolved in Belarus and Ukraine, what ecologically friendly practices are used by Belarusian and Ukrainian farmers and what are the perspectives for the development of the competition – these and more questions were discussed.

December 22, 2021


Hybrid format: offline in Belarus, online for other participants.

Program - EN version Program - RU version Presentations & Recordings Participants list - Ukraine

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Simultaneous translations in EN, RU and UA were provided.


WHEN: 22 December 2021, from 9:00 to 12:00 (CET)


WHERE: On site in Belarus - Online via Zoom for other participants








PICTURES of the GRASS Conference 2021 

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    Picture by ecoidea

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    Picture by ecoidea

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    Picture by ecoidea

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    Picture by ecoidea

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    Picture by ecoidea

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    Picture by ecoidea


Contact person:

Natalia Cholovska,


The GRASS conference is one of our annual events. 
You can read more about the project and the previous or future editions.


Project GRASS conference
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