In 2018, the River University mostly served for the purpose of gathering river experts from several transboundary basins of Poland (Odra, Vistula/Western Bug, Neman) with their counterparts from Belarus and Ukraine to discuss i.a. issues related to inland navigation and large infrastructure projects on straightening river flows in these countries. 1st edition of River University in 2020 provided general solid knowledge about healthy rivers, their benefits and threats, presented one of the most stunning rivers in Poland – Drawa river and highlighted current riverine challenges impacting the society. All these looking towards European community goals.
During the 2nd edition in 2021, we swam into Lithuania’s waters, to dive deep – finally live! – into water challenges in the next country in the Baltic region. We got to know best practices of good water management, experience with transboundary river cooperation, also innovations and developments within sewerage system management. We could already read about flood risk management and about river barriers to remove or mitigate in the Baltic Sea Region. But this time we asked – how are the Lithuanian rivers?
Being a visitor of the largest protected area in Lithuania, crossing rivers outdoor, stepping into practical lectures in the national park, we also asked about how to limit riverine pollution from tourism and how the connectivity of amazing Lithuanian rivers is ensured.
Checking the European background: how the situation of rivers in Europe looks like in general? A freshly given analysis CCB participated in, points out that, only Finland, amongst EU countries, is on a good track to reach Water Framework Directive (WFD) goals and legally binding EU target to return Europe’s dirty freshwaters to health by 2027. However there is still time to improve other river basin management plans during the consultations. Now is the time for other countries to make the final sprint for the rest of the European rivers! Always is the time to learn about them, their challenges related communities face, efficient ways to take care of them. That was our purpose also this time, while being in Lithuania.
Marcinkonys, Lithuania & Online
The organizer of our stay in Lithuania: Jūratė Morkvėnaitė-Paulauskienė.
Marcinkonys, Lithuania -
map/location, Dzukija national park
We met in one of the major national parks in Lithuania, famous for pine tree forests which hide tiny Lithuanian villages, sandy rivers and lakes. Some Lithuanian rivers are silent and shallow, others are rapid and curvy. This time we got to know and experience one of the most spectacular ones – Ula river.
Dzūkijos nacionalinis parkas iš paukščio skrydžio. Lietuvos gamta – “Dzūkijos uoga”
mainly outdoors; lectures and presentations were provided in English; helping each other with translation when needed was an element of teamwork.
We invited up to 25 participants, foreign and Lithuanian ones, those interested in inland waters, water management topics, current trends and challenges in these fields.
Only vaccinated people were welcome to join us and had their costs covered by CCB. A valid (not older than 48 hrs) negative PCR test was accepted, if a vaccine was not yet available. Participants from the previous edition varied among sectors: NGO, scientists, specialists, practitioners, water-related and environmental protection institutions, business, municipalities, politics.
REGISTRATION: The registrations are closed.
11 AUGUST 2021
Jonė Leščinskaitė, Strategic change groups, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Environment
12 AUGUST 2021
Svajunas Plunge, Faculty of Natural Sciences at Vytautas Magnus University
Dr. Žaneta Stasiškienė, Director of the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU)
Doc. Ingrida Šatkauskienė, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Vytautas Magnus University
14 AUGUST 2021
Nerijus Nika, Klaipeda University
Mohammad Reza Eini, PhD student of Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Our studio in Dzukija national park, prepared for online participants of River University Deimantė Riepšaitė
From Svajunas Plunge, Vytautas Magnus University we learned about Lithuanian rivers major environmental problems and what climate change means for them, Ewa Leś
Dr. Žaneta Stasiškienė from Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and her extraordinary lecture full of microplastic curiosities, Deimantė Riepšaitė
Discovering water biodiversity, Shoaib Jamro
Practical riverine work, Deimantė Riepšaitė
Kayaking on Ula river – we survived and it was not so obvious, dreamteam, Jūratė Morkvėnaitė-Paulauskienė
River University 2021 team was here, Jūratė Morkvėnaitė-Paulauskienė
Some of us were making new friends – Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa, the European mole cricket, Ewa Leś
Always taking care about the team, River University founder Ewa Leś, Jūratė Morkvėnaitė Paulauskienė
The joy of visiting Čepkeliai nature reserve, Jūratė Morkvėnaitė
Ula river welcomed us with sun, unforgettable kayaking experience and teambuilding at the same time, Deimantė Riepšaitė
One of the main species in Čepkeliai reserve, Rhododendron tomentosum, Ledum palustre, marsh Labrador tea, wild rosemary, Ewa Leś
Path to the mysterious protected d Čepkeliai nature reserve in Dzukija national park, Deimantė Riepšaitė
View on Ula river in Dzūkija National Park in southern Lithuania and northern Belarus, with colorful water foliage flowing near the surface, considered as most beautiful river in Lithuania, P.Pawlaczyk
Well grown lichens indicate fresh healthy air, Ewa Leś
What’s in the river we do wonder and discover, Ewa Leś
Čepkeliai reserve view we appreciated, Shoaib Jamro
Barefoot experience with peatbogs brought us the thrill of excitment, Jūratė Morkvėnaitė-Paulauskienė
Tradition in Marcinkonys village is present, Dzūkija national park visitor centre, Ewa Leś
Thankful for contribution to River University from our lecturers, Ewa Leś
Ewa Leś, CCB Working Group Leader on River Basin and Wastewater Management
Originator and founder of River University/Rzeczny Uniwersytet (tested in 2018, established internationally in 2020). A biologist by profession, but looking towards people and their perception of the environment. Co-founder of Koalicja Ratujmy Rzeki/Save The Rivers Coalition (KRR), a social initiative for the protection of natural rivers in Poland, gathering the voices of ‘river stakeholders’ into one strong tone. Member of EEB water working group, Observer of International Commission for the Protection of the Odra River against Pollution. Co-creator and coordinator of the first Water Round Table in cooperation with the Polish Ministry of Environment (2009-2011). Engaged in creating a Partnership for the Baltic initiative (2007-2011). Particularly working in areas of transboundary rivers, water stakeholders inclusion and engagement, water conflicts, water democracy building. A supporter of NVC dialogue. She comes from her two parental organizations: Society of Friends of Ina and Gowienica rivers and EkoUnia Association.
~ Let’s go with the river flow and learn from each other! ~
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
The River University is one of our annual events.
You can read more about the project and the previous or future editions.