Conference - Nutrient-efficient agriculture in the Baltic Sea region

Welcome to the SuMaNu conference!

On Monday 14 of June, 14 – 16 CET was held online the conference “Nutrient-efficient agriculture in the Baltic Sea region”.

Efficient manure and nutrient management in agriculture is beneficial for the environment and farmers, and the only way to secure sustainable food production in the future.

How can agricultural production in the Baltic Sea region be more nutrient-efficient and sustainable? EUSBSR flagship project SuMaNu (Sustainable manure and Nutrient Management for reduction of nutrient loss in the Baltic Sea) has gathered results of different international projects from over the period of 10 years and synthesized them into policy recommendations. The SuMaNu’s final conference was organised together by SuMaNu and Coalition Clean Baltic.

Simultaneous translation English/Russian was provided during the conference.



Simultaneous translations in EN, RU and UA were provided.


WHEN: 14 June, 14 – 16 CET 


WHERE: Online via Zoom.








Inspirational examples and messages from the Baltic Sea region countries








English version

Russian version


 The policy recommendations listed below are all available at this link.

  • Policy recommendation 1: Development of coherent P fertilisation policies in the Baltic Sea Region EN , UA and RU
  • Policy recommendation 2: Fertilization planning and nutrient balancing EN , UA and RU
  • Policy recommendation 3: National standards for handling and spreading manure EN , UA and RU
  • Policy recommendation 4: Regional nutrient reallocation EN , UA and RU
  • Policy recommendation 5: Minimal use of harmful substances and careful manure processing ensure safe recycling of manure nutrients EN , UA and RU
  • Policy recommendation 6: Knowledge transfer between farmers, advisors, researchers, authorities, and policymakers EN , UA and RU


Contact person:

Natalia Cholovska,

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