
HELCOM - 13:e mötet i gruppen för hållbara jordbruksmetoder

14 juni 2018


Seminarium om marin fysisk planering och Århuskonventionen, 22 nov

Startdatum: 3 september 2024

Slutdatum: 15 juni 2018

Tid: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Plats: HELCOM-sekretariatet

Adress: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsingfors, Finland

Technologies for wastewater treatment and water supply in small towns and rural areas


Training workshop on Technologies for wastewater treatment and water supply in small towns and rural areas was held on 29 June 2018 in Iuje, Belarus.

See agenda of the event here.

CCB Executive Secretary Mikhail Durkin took part in the training and presented Cooperation programs in the Baltic Sea Region. Examples of projects to reduce water pollution (examples of Russia, Ukraine, etc.). Introduction of advanced technologies for wastewater treatment (in Russian)

Further news are available below, from the website of the CCB's member organization - IPO Ecopartnership.
De-ironing station for drinking water supply

On June 29, 2018 in Iŭje the reconstructed waterworks with the installation of a deironing station was solemnly opened.

The opening was attended by Elena Rakova, Project Coordinator of the Delegation of the European Union in Belarus, Alexander Bulak, Chairman of the Iŭje District Executive Committee, Alexander Shlyahotka, Director of the Iŭje District Housing and Utility Enterprise, Alina Bushmovich, Executive Director of the IPO "Ecopartnership" and participants of the training seminar "Wastewater Treatment Technologies and Water Supply in Small Towns and Rural Areas".

During her speech, Elena Rakova stressed the importance of commissioning these waterworks, because this will not only achieve social, but also economic and energy-saving effects. She also thanked the leadership of the Iŭje district for active participation in the project.

Director of DUE "Iŭje Housing and Utility" Alexander Shlyahotka said that the main goal of the reconstruction was the provision of high-quality drinking water, in particular iron, for the population of Iŭje. He also stressed that due to the fact that the frequency equipment is used on pumping equipment, according to preliminary calculations, the energy saving per year will be about 1500 kW of energy.

After the introductory words and the cutting of the red ribbon, the guests were shown how the station was equipped inside and told in detail about the installed equipment.

The deironing station was built in Iŭje in the framework of the international technical assistance project "Demand for Good Governance in Housing and Utility Sector", which has been implemented in the area since August 2016 with the financial support of the European Union.

Simultaneously with the construction of a deferrization station, whose productivity is 25 m3 per hour, the water intake has been modernized with the replacement of pipelines, stop valves and old pumping equipment with more modern and energy efficient ones. Thanks to the commissioning of the facility, the Iŭje Hospital and the surrounding area will be provided with quality drinking water.

During the reconstruction of waterworks, automation and dispatching of the third-stage station were carried out. All information about the operation of water supply facilities will now flow to the operator's desk of the dispatch center. On the computer monitor you can see the dynamic and static level of the artesian well, pressure, water and electricity consumption, water level in the tanks and other information. And this means that the response time in case of emergency situations will be reduced, and the very possibility of occurrence of emergency incidents is minimized.

The grand opening is an event of the project "Demand for Good Governance in Housing and Utility Sector", funded by the European Union.

Dela event

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