On 23 September 2019, CCB organized a workshop on the best practice in management of habitats and species in Baltic Marine Protected Areas, in Hamburg, Germany. The main aim of the workshop was to discuss drafts of a series of briefings on the management of species and habitats in MPAs in the Baltic Sea Region created with the help of Susan Gubbay, to provide the network's input to these briefings. The briefings will be ready by the end of the year 2019, and our hope is that they will be used by both managers and NGO representatives to ensure better management of Baltic Sea MPAs. Briefings are being produced on
- Fucus
- Blue mussel
- Charophytes
- Deep mud
- Gravel
- Lagoons
- Lamprey
- Maerl
- Seaducks
- Terns
- Harbour porpoise
You can find the agenda
here, and
is an example draft briefing. Here are the
participants list
from the workshop.