
HELCOM - 13:e mötet i gruppen för hållbara jordbruksmetoder

14 juni 2018


Seminarium om marin fysisk planering och Århuskonventionen, 22 nov

Startdatum: 3 september 2024

Slutdatum: 15 juni 2018

Tid: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Plats: HELCOM-sekretariatet

Adress: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsingfors, Finland

Our Ocean 2019


The conference brought together leaders from governments, businesses, civil society and research institutions to share their experience, identify solutions and commit to action for clean, healthy and productive oceans and was held in Oslo on 23-24 October 2019.

Registration: by invitation only.

Dela event

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