
HELCOM - 13:e mötet i gruppen för hållbara jordbruksmetoder

14 juni 2018


Seminarium om marin fysisk planering och Århuskonventionen, 22 nov

Startdatum: 3 september 2024

Slutdatum: 15 juni 2018

Tid: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Plats: HELCOM-sekretariatet

Adress: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsingfors, Finland

XV UBC General Conference “Building an inclusive and resident-focused city. The Baltic way”


The XV UBC General Conference “Building an inclusive and resident-focused city. The Baltic way” was held on 15–18 October 2019 in Kaunas, Lithuania. Themes of the conference included among others “Inclusive Cities” and “Culture as catalyst for cities development”.

Elizaveta Merinova from Friends of the Baltic, one of the CCB Member Organizations, attended the meeting and had the presentation "Marine litter and Microplastics projects developed by NGOs".

Other documents:
- Workshop presentations
- Article about the conference written by Ecocentrum

Provisional agenda and more info are available here.

Dela event

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