
HELCOM - 13:e mötet i gruppen för hållbara jordbruksmetoder

14 juni 2018


Seminarium om marin fysisk planering och Århuskonventionen, 22 nov

Startdatum: 3 september 2024

Slutdatum: 15 juni 2018

Tid: 9:00 CEST / 10:00 EEST

Plats: HELCOM-sekretariatet

Adress: Katajanokanlaituri 6 B, 00160 Helsingfors, Finland

Conference on DNA methods in environmental monitoring and management


The Digital Conference on DNA methods in environmental monitoring and management, was held on December 8-9, 2020. The Conference was arranged by the Swedish Agency for Marin and Water Management and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Nils Höglund, CCB's Fisheries Policy Officer, attended the meeting.

Dela event

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