The Workshop on Management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for Small Cetaceans was postponed from April 2020 owing to COVID-19 pandemic.
The workshop was going ahead online, on 18 May and 7-9 June 2021.
Ida Carlén, CCB Biodiversity Officer attended the event.
The workshop, mandated by the 25th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Advisory Committee, was jointly organized by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, WWF Germany, WWF Sweden, Coalition Clean Baltic, and ASCOBANS.
The workshop aims to review and share experiences on best practice approaches to MPA management, taking them beyond being merely 'paper parks', in order to make recommendations to ASCOBANS Parties. The workshop was highly interactive and led by a facilitator. The objectives were to:
- Discuss and make recommendations on criteria and clear options for well-formulated conservation objectives for small cetacean MPAs, and
- Discuss and make recommendations on a toolbox of ambitious and innovative practical conservation measures for small cetacean MPAs
Due to limited seats, participation to the workshop was by invitation only. Nominations were sought from
ASCOBANS National Coordinators early 2020.
Contact person: .
To read the provisional programme of the workshop.