The Second ASCOBANS Workshop on Management of MPAs for Small Cetaceans took place from 31 May to 2 June 2022 in Helsinki, Finland, at the kind invitation of the Ministry of the Environment, Finland.
The purposes of the workshop, building on the results from the first workshop, were to:
- Continue to develop and discuss examples of SMART conservation objectives for small cetacean MPAs, including Natura 2000 sites, by refining and adding to the results of the first workshop in order to arrive at a more complete list; and
- Continue to develop and discuss examples of ambitious and innovative practical conservation measures for small cetacean MPAs, including Natura 2000 sites, building on the results from the first workshop. This led to a more complete and concrete toolbox of conservation measures for small cetacean MPAs (including. Natura 2000 sites), and also took into account the challenges presented by climate change.
The workshop was jointly organised by the Ministry of the Environment of Finland, WWF Germany, WWF Sweden, Coalition Clean Baltic, Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process, and ASCOBANS.
Due to limited seats, participation in the workshop were only by invitation.
Participants of the meeting on behalf of CCB:Ida Carlén, CCB Biodiversity Officer
Documents related to the event:
- Programme
here.- The participants' list is not available for this event.